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Who are CareerTrackers PNG?

As a visionary non-profit program, we believe in two fundamental principles. First: every student in Papua New Guinea—irrespective of their gender, wealth, cultural background, or connections—deserves the opportunity to convert their degree into a successful professional career. Second: businesses in Papua New Guinea deserve the broadest possible access to a well-trained talent pipeline of university graduates who are business-savvy, highly motivated and loyal.

CareerTrackers PNG was established in 2018 and run as a regional pilot program by CareerTrackers, an First Nations Australian internship program, until 2022 when CareerTrackers PNG was incorporated as a PNG-led, self-sustaining and independent non-profit organisation. In Australia, since 2009, CareerTrackers has supported over 3,000 First Nations Australian students into professional internships and now boasts over 250 Australian and international companies as employment partners in a global movement towards more equitable recruitment and development of talent.

CareerTrackers PNG is a human capital development program that support disadvantaged communities in PNG to access world-class professional opportunities, linking undergraduate students into multi-year paid internships with industry-leading employers to prepare them for success at university, in their chosen profession, and in leadership roles within their communities.

For more information about the PNG program, please email:

IPA Registration Number: 5-112202
IPA Registration Date: 10 November 2022
Incorporation under Section 7 of the Associations Incorporation Act
IRC TIN: 502208226
IRC Date of Issuance: 25 November 2022
IRC Certificate Number: 139177639

What does CareerTrackers PNG do?

Professional Development
Students receive hands-on experience and make real contributions to the workplace.

Leadership Training
Each year students complete 40 hours of leadership training to prepare for industry and community leadership.

Community Engagement
CareerTrackers community of interns and professional alumni offer peer support. Interns become role models for future generations.

Employer Support
CareerTrackers leverages 50 years of experience in delivering internship programs around the world to support employers.

How does CareerTrackers build PNG Graduate Pipelines?

Recruitment, training and pre-selection of potential interns based on career consultations with students.

Pre-Employment Training
Providing interns with the tools, skills and confidence to learn and be successful during their internship.

Leadership Training
40 hours of leadership development training to prepare participants for industry and community leadership.

Workplace Facilitation
Preparation and support for workplace managers.

Dedicated staff that mentor students to maintain a 2.5+ GPA during the academic year, and to thrive in and return for multiple internships.

Rowena Yasuase

“My internship with Dentons has provided me with a new perspective: to use what I learn in a classroom setting to learn the practical aspects of a work environment. My heartfelt gratitude to the sponsors, and in particular, Dentons, for partnering with CareerTrackers to pilot this program in PNG.”

Rowena Yasause
Lawyer, Dentons
CareerTrackers PNG Alumna
Gala Awards 2020 Keynote Speaker

Rowena’s Story

Rowena’s parents were young teachers who initially taught in Bougainville but moved to Port Moresby following the Bougainville crisis. In spite of their hardship, they raised a family in the capital, hoping for a brighter future. In 2011, at 12 years old and in 8th Grade, Rowena’s father was incarcerated at the Bomana Prison, and 2 months later, she lost her mother following a 3-year battle with breast cancer. Suddenly, her world had turned upside down.
‘It was not easy to juggle stress and trauma as a teenager, so I tried to maintain a positive mindset and have faith that all would work out in the end. I was determined to prepare myself to get the right kind of educational opportunities; to be informed, stay engaged and have a sense of service to those around me—my family, my community.’
Rowena had one explicit goal that kept her going during the toughest times: to complete high school and chart a path for herself. Rowena moved to East New Britain to live with an aunt after her mother’s passing. There, she attended Grades 9–10 at OLSH Secondary School, before transferring back to the capital for Grades 11–12 at Marianville Secondary School, thanks to the support of her family members.

Her motivation to study law was strong. She sought to understand how the law, which had so impacted her life, was defined, created, legislated and enacted. In 2018, in her 3rd year of Law at the University of Papua New Guinea, Rowena’s story of determination and resilience was immediately recognised by the recently arrived leaders of CareerTrackers. Hearing the vision and opportunity at hand, Rowena immediately assumed a sense of responsibility for the future of the program in PNG: if she and her 9 CareerTrackers colleagues performed well and set this program on course, many more after her, who shared similar stories of hardship and grit throughout their lives, could have the same opportunities she had.

Rowena interned with Dentons for 3 months every Christmas holiday over 3 years. By January 2021, Rowena had graduated from the University of Papua New Guinea and the PNG Legal Training Institute as a lawyer. Multiple internships did not simply provide Rowena with exposure to a law firm: within it, CareerTrackers had embedded goal-setting, mentoring relationships, performance reviews and professional development training that had supercharged her dreams and leveraged her determination.
‘I’m forever grateful for the opportunity provided by CareerTrackers to give me another educational opportunity; to intern at Dentons.’ Upon being admitted to practice as a lawyer of the National Supreme Courts of PNG, Dentons contacted Rowena to offer her a place within their office. Their investment in her development and their belief in her ability, having challenged her and observed her growth over many years, made her an ideal candidate. Like Rowena, all CareerTrackers students are trailblazers: they represent a new generation of PNG business and community leaders.

How to Become an Intern

The internships at CareerTrackers PNG are stepping stones to more fruitful futures. We’ve designed our programs to improve the equity of access to professional opportunities in Papua New Guinea, and to help promising young students build the skills, knowledge and contacts they need for gainful employment.

We’ve developed a strong network of university and community leaders in PNG who are specially trained to identify and select talented students for participation in our programs. Your hard work at university and participation in community leadership roles could land you a place in our community, where we’ll support you in your journey towards a bright professional future.

While CareerTrackers PNG is not open to direct registrations from students, we encourage your interest in our program, and recommend staying updated on information provided through your university about opportunities to engage with us. Our team visits Unitech and UPNG campuses several times a year to meet with students who have been referred to us, and your excellent academic performance could help to land you a place in our highly selective program—and in the professional community of your dreams.

Current Employment Partners