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What is CareerTrackers?

We’re supporting more Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students to start and finish university – and we’ve been doing it for 15 years.

Just 67% of non-First Nations and 41% of First Nations Australians graduate from university within six years. Participation in CareerTrackers puts a rocket under students – 90% of our Alumni have graduated within six years.

And while 47% of First Nations Australian university students make it to graduation, 89% of CareerTrackers participants do.

By working in partnership with universities we are able to use practical work experience and the strength of the CareerTrackers community as a mechanism for our students to achieve excellence – at university, in their paid internships, and in their future careers.

Internships are completed during uni holidays to ensure they support study instead of getting in the way of it, and each intern is paid a competitive wage during their internship which helps ease financial difficulty – the most commonly cited reason for First Nations student attrition.

The program


University study is prioritised in CareerTrackers. Our interns are students first, and we’re supporting them as they build on their education to become well-rounded graduate professionals. Success in the program is focused on University, Internship and Community.

We support our students to ensure they perform academically to the best of their ability. As well as attending regular meetings with Student Advisors who assist students to maintain their grades, students are expected to prioritise their studies.

89% of our participants graduate, compared to 47% of First Nations students.


12-week paid internships are completed in a single block in the summer semester break. Students are able to participate in meaningful projects and make a positive contribution at work.

Each student receives an evaluation at the end of the internship to further build his or her personal and professional capabilities. The CareerTrackers Program also incorporates many professional development and leadership training opportunities to support students to perform in their internship.


CareerTrackers encourages all of our students to create local networks with other participants in the program. Senior students in the program are provided opportunities to give back and support the growth of new students with their organisation and university.

Our 10-year university partners

We have formed 10-year partnerships with 12 Australian universities.

We believe in a long-term vision that embeds CareerTrackers into First Nations Australia and into universities. We’re in our 15th year now – we’re not going anywhere, and the University partnerships were established to continue building trusting relationships with our students, their families, their universities and their communities.

The overarching principle of this initiative is to formalise the pathways for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander university students into experiential learning opportunities, and to work closely with universities to achieve our mutual goal of improving the educational outcomes for First Nations students.

As 10-year partners, CareerTrackers and the universities have established a long-term strategy that enables us to work side-by-side in pursuit of our shared vision.

Key Dates - Semester 1



Program Orientation
5 February - 5 April 2024
Profile Writing
26 February - 12 April 2024
Interview Preparation
4 March - 26 April 2024
Profile Submission Deadline
22 April 2024
Corporate Interview
22 April - 17 May 2024
Student Networking Events
8 April - 16 May 2024
Winter Kick-Off Workshops
Between 10 – 14 June 2024
Winter Internship - (4 - 5 weeks internship availability subject to individual university holidays)
17 June - 19 July 2024
Learning Contract
Meeting to be held in Week 1 of the internship
Program Day Naarm (Melbourne)
Tuesday 2 July 2024
Program Day Tarndanya (Adelaide)
Friday 5 July 2024
Program Day Online (Perth, Canberra & regional)
Friday 5 July 2024
Program Day Warrane (Sydney)
Wednesday 10 July 2024
Program Day Meanjin (Brisbane)
Thursday 11 July 2024
End of Internship Presentation
Last week of internship
Meeting during last week of internship

Semester 2



Program Orientation
22 July - 6 September 2024
Profile Writing
29 July - 16 September 2024
Interview Preparation
19 August - 30 September 2024
Profile Submission Deadline
20 September 2024
Corporate Interview
23 September - 18 October 2024
Student Networking Events
16 September - 18 October 2024
Summer Kick-Off Workshops
Between 11 – 15 November 2024
Summer Internship
18 November 2024 - 7 February 2025
Learning Contract
Meeting to be held in Week 1 of internship
Leadership Development Institute
Christmas Shutdown
Pre-University Internship
13 January - 7 February 2025
End of Internship Presentation
Last week of internship
Meeting during last week of internship

High School Program



April Work Shadow Week
9 - 11 April 2024
July Work Shadow Week
In line with State-based school holidays
September Careers Expo
In line with State-based school holidays

How to partner with us

Involve us in activities with students throughout the year so we can become a part of the First Nations community on campus.

Your university may already be running events that we can participate in to meet new students. Listed below are a couple of great ways that universities currently engage CareerTrackers on campus to get more students involved – because we all want to see those students graduate.