Gratitude card

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Gratitude card

Expressing gratitude is a CareerTrackers LDI tradition. Please take a moment to reflect on those that you are grateful for; whether they have supported you in the lead up to your internship, throughout your internship or in your personal life. You may feel grateful for someone who has been instrumental in one aspect of your life most recently, someone who has always been your cheerleader, or perhaps a recent connection.

    Currently, the Jobs Board is open to our 10x10 and Friends of CareerTrackers membership partners. This offering will soon be expanding in 2023.

    Your details

    Recipient details

    If you do not know the email address of your recipient, please enter your student advisor's email address and they can redirect it on your behalf.

    Write the body of your message here* (max 1450 characters)

    Please note: the card will pre-fill the recipient's name at the top of the card and sign off with your name at the bottom. Please click here to see an example.

    Please check all details are correct before submitting. Once you press send, this message will be sent to the intended recipient within 30 minutes. A copy of your message will also be sent to your inbox.